“The fate of Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh could be determined today”
Listen to this radio interview of Claire Finkelstein on
900AM CHML Global News Radio
Could Brett Kavanaugh be confirmed today?
Claire Finkelstein comments on the Kavanaugh hearing in this 9/28 radio interview on 900AM CHML Global News Radio
WBUR On Point: “The Tense Relationship Between the President and Department of Justice”
Claire Finkelstein joins a panel discussing the future of Rod Rosenstein as Deputy Attorney General and the Mueller investigation
On the Washington standoff over the sexual assault allegation against Supreme Court nominee Kavanaugh…
Claire Finkelstein participates in a panel discussion on Al Jazeera America’s Inside Story
Claire Finkelstein comments on Kavanaugh’s accuser’s decision to testify before a Senate panel
Listen to this radio interview on ABC Sydney
“Dealing with the Russia factor in North Korea negotiations”
Read this op-ed in The Hill written by CERL Fellow Nicholas Saidel
Professor Claire Finkelstein comments that Trump’s order to declassify Russia documents is close to the legal definition of obstruction of justice
Striking a deal–What does Paul Manafort know?
Claire Finkelstein shares her insights in this 9/17 900AM Global New Radio interview
“Confession of ‘sedition’ or expression of free speech? Debate over op-ed continues”
Claire Finkelstein comments in this WJLA.com article on whether the anonymous Sept. 5 NYT opinion piece rises to the level of “sedition”
Democrats have the wrong argument against Kavanaugh
Read Claire Finkelstein’s op-ed published in The Hill
What’s next for Cohen, Manafort, Mueller and Trump?
BeFM News Radio in South Korea interviews Claire Finkelstein
What’s next after the Manafort verdict and Cohen plea?
Claire Finkelstein answers the question during this 900 CHML Radio interview
Prosecutors’ practice of getting defendants to ‘flip’ is key to getting the kingpin, experts say
Claire Finkelstein comments on cooperation agreements in this 8/23 Boston Globe article
The Hill publishes op-ed by Penn Law faculty on the Trump administration’s space initiative
Read this 8/21 op-ed by Claire Finkelstein and Mark Nevitt
People deemed dangerous because of their political opinions quells speech
Claire Finkelstein talks to ABC-affiliate WJLA-TV in Washington, DC, about Trump’s threats to remove critics’ security clearance
Claire Finkelstein on drone attack and alleged assassination attempt on Venezuelan president Nicholas Meduro
A “Knowledge@Wharton” interview with Penn’s Michael Horowitz and Dorothy Kronick on SiriusXM
Shawn Turner quoted in New York Times article
The CERL board member and communication director of the Center for a New American Security is quoted in a 7/17 story on intelligence chief Dan Coats
Was Trump’s press conference “treasonous”?
CERL board member and Cornell law professor Jens David Ohlin opines in this Business Insider article
White House use of pardon power to end Mueller investigation could be treason
Read Claire Finkelstein’s op-ed in The Hill
On the reaction to Trump/Putin’s press conference in Helsinki
Claire Finkelstein interviewed on 900 CHML Global News
Mark Nevitt, Penn Law’s Sharswood Fellow, presented on gray zone conflict issues to summer interns on July 11
Mark (far right) is a former U.S. Navy flight officer and JAG attorney
CERL on Trump administration’s rescindment of affirmative action guidelines
Prof. Claire Finkelstein comments on the rescindment of Obama-era affirmative action guidelines in this July 5 Al Jazeera interview
CERL’s work in the torture area cited in Just Security article
Author Steven Barela references CERL’s paper The Ethics of Interrogation and the Rule of Law in this 6/26 article
“The Discreet Charm of the Interior Ministry,” The American Interest
In this 6/19 article, Neil Barnett, co-editor of a forthcoming CERL volume, writes about how Italian and Austrian ministries could help Russia meddle in Europe
Disinformation as foreign interference discussed at CERL
Shawn Turner, Director of Communications at Center for a New American Security and CERL board member, met with CERL’s summer interns to discuss the role of cyber and public disinformation in foreign interference. (Shawn, center, with interns Andrés Fernández Pallares and Elaine Lee)
CERL board member proposes how to best protect the 2018 elections
Op-ed by Shawn Turner appears in USA Today
“War in the Age of Intelligent Machines” debate
In this blog post, Bryn Shaffer discusses the March 2018 debate between CERL board member Prof. Duncan MacIntosh of Dalhousie University and Prof. Noel Sharkey of ICRAC
CERL director quoted in 6/7 Washington Post
Claire Finkelstein: It is “highly improper for the president to weigh in on a pending case….”
CERL board member to lead ABA Center for Global Programs
Alberto Mora named as new director of the ABA Rule of Law Initiative