Trump indicates he may direct DOJ, under the ‘unitary executive’ theory, to target critics News & Updates CERL media
Why the DOJ should drop policy shielding sitting presidents from being indicted News & Updates CERL media
Officials brace for possibility of civil unrest in the days around the election News & Updates CERL media
Under what circumstances can the military be deployed on or around Election Day? News & Updates CERL media
Experts urge preparedness for potential of civil unrest surrounding the presidential election News & Updates CERL media
National security and legal experts stress measures to safeguard democracy and the rule of law in run-up to Election Day News & Updates CERL updates, Press Release
CERL’s tabletop exercise helps prepare for worst-case election-related scenarios News & Updates CERL media
Former Oath Keeper reflects on CERL’s tabletop exercise about insurrectionists stopping the vote News & Updates CERL media
Military and veterans decry Republican lawsuits in swing states against overseas and military voting News & Updates CERL media
Implications of Assange conviction on First Amendment and national security News & Updates CERL media